Friday 2 August 2013

Nail Art: Floral Doodles

Hi everyone, today I am going to be doing a nail art tutorial. This is a really cute floral doodle design that is great for spring and summer. Because it is floral doodles, it is great because it means they don't have to be perfect, and its ok if they are messy! This is actually a recreation of a video by Cutepolish (this channel is AMAZING) so check that out here:

So here is my spin on it!
Firstly you will need nail polishes, here are all of the ones I used:
A toothpick
Firstly, apply a base coat to all nails. This is to protect your nails and make the nail surface smooth.
Next apply your base colours. On my index, middle and pinky finger I applied the 3 flower colours, one on each nail (yellow on the index finger, pink on the middle finger, and blue on the pinky). Make sure the colours are opaque. The thumb and ring finger are going to be the accent nails. So apply 2 coats the white nail polish (or as many needed for an opaque colour).

*Ew bad picture alert!* Once the white is completely dry, we are going to start to make the flowers. In the video, cutepolish used a sponge to dab the 3 colours on, however I think you can just use the brush to do a blob (it ends up with a very similar effect, cutepolish's has blended edges though, however this won't really matter in the outcome).

Once that is dry, we are going to start making it into a flower. Take your black polish and a tooth pick, and closest to the "centre of the flower", or probably the edge of your nail, paint a small semi circle (or a circle, but since it is at the edge, half of it will be cut off), this represents the centre of the flower.

*Ew another bad picture alert!* It looks like I have black nail polish all over my finger, but I don't, that's the end of the toothpick covered in black polish. Anyway, then we are going to do an outline on the petals, obviously using the colour "blob" for guidance. I have done 3 petals for each one. This is actually quite a bad example because this was a small nail, painted by my non-dominant hand!

Anyway, after you have finished painting your designs and they are all dry, apply a top coat to all nails to protect your design and add a shine!

And then you are done!
So here is my finished design, I think it is really bright, cute and girly, and great for summer! Cutepolish actually added a couple of black leaf outlines on the white, in-between the flowers. I didn't do this because there wasn't much space to paint them, and also, I know its okay if there are e messyish (because they are doodles), however the flowers were a bit messier than I would have liked, and I didn't think the leaves would help. Despite that, I still love this design, and I hope you all do it too!

 Send me your recreations, and maybe I might show some of my favourites (if you would like that!)
Have fun, and don't forget to share and follow me on everything!
Genny xx
Also you can follow me on this actual blog, which would especially love you to do!

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